Last Lie is an action game inspired by many big titles like splinter cell, assassins creed and you will find more relative scenes in the game. Last lie is a 3rd person stealth action game with no story. seriously no story? Complete missions and get to the end that is all in the game. Buy weapons ammo and complete the levels. Good graphics and gameplay the only down side i have found that is story and some bugs that causes some problems. had to restart the game just because of the black screen bug. Game started and jumped in to the tutorial stage and tutorial texts popups whenever you try to go on that place where tutorial meant to be seen and it pops up every time. Intractable objects, Sniper missions and Good stealth gameplay and graphics are good as well ,hide from enemies or go directly on them fire them.Do not get your hope high like you will get shooting fun in compare to modern combat or dead trigger series its just good and not great. Main menu looks sluggish and old styled apart from good gameplay game has nothing good to offer.and yes that slow motion bullet drop (Its now common in unity based games) when you kill the last enemy. baaammm right in to the face. Last Lie MOD APK offers unlimited money/currencies so you can advance easily in the game.
What’s In The MOD:
Unlimited Money
Requires Android: 4.3 and Up
Install APK,Place data folder in SDCard/Android/Obb/ and play.